by on May 26, 2018
When you are taking a walk through any beauty products aisle, what do you see there? There will be rows and rows of products catering to the requirements of individuals regarding their skin care and anti-aging needs. Eye-shadow moisturizers, lip gloss, or any other product, you name and it will be there on the shelf. But have you ever tried to think about the common factor which ties all these products together in a knot? Well! They all have Hyaluronic acid as a major ingredient. Hyaluronic acid...
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by on May 26, 2018
Something of great aesthetic appeal and holding a brand value of yours in the outer world is your face. The features or the complexions you have define a considerable part of your persona. It is the first thing that comes into a person’s observation when you meet someone either known or unknown. Nobody wishes to display any flaw in them, some scar, marks, aging, wrinkle etc are just not acceptable enough to showcase in front of others. Thus, it has become a trend to apply makeup layers after lay...
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