cherry chen
by on April 11, 2024

In the vast deserts of the unknown, there lies a figure shrouded in mystery and legend - the Desert Butcher. Born into the harsh sands, he was raised by the merciless elements, shaping him into a relentless warrior feared by all who cross his path. With his trusty blade and unyielding will, he roams the barren wastelands, seeking both vengeance and redemption. When you embark on your journey, mmowow can lend a helping hand when you need help.

Hero Positioning:

The Desert Butcher is a formidable fighter known for his relentless pursuit of enemies and his ability to sustain himself in battle. As a melee bruiser, he excels in disrupting enemy lines and isolating high-priority targets, making him a formidable force on the battlefield.

Skills and Ability Points:

  1. Desert's Fury (Passive): Each consecutive basic attack against the same target deals increased damage, stacking up to a maximum. This passive ability rewards sustained engagements and punishes enemies who underestimate the Butcher's tenacity.

  2. Sandstorm Slash (Q): Unleashes a whirlwind of slashing attacks, dealing damage to all enemies in a cone in front of the Butcher. This ability is ideal for clearing minion waves and harassing enemy champions in the lane.

  3. Searing Brand (W): Empowers the Butcher's next basic attack, causing it to deal bonus damage over time and reducing the target's armor. This skill is crucial for trading blows with enemy champions and shredding through tanky opponents.

  4. Desolate Charge (E): Charges forward a short distance, knocking aside enemies in his path and stunning the first enemy champion hit. This ability is essential for engaging or escaping from fights and can turn the tide of battle when used strategically.

  5. Sandstorm Surge (Ultimate - R): Summons a swirling sandstorm around the Butcher, increasing his movement speed and granting him a shield. Additionally, enemies caught in the sandstorm are slowed and take damage over time. This ultimate ability is devastating in team fights and can be used to turn the tide of battle in the Butcher's favor.

Rune Suggestions and Analysis:

  1. Conqueror: Provides bonus damage and healing based on the Butcher's sustained engagements in combat, synergizing well with his passive and playstyle.
  2. Triumph: Grants additional gold and health restoration upon takedowns, offering increased survivability during skirmishes and team fights.
  3. Legend: Tenacity: Reduces the duration of crowd control effects, allowing the Butcher to maintain his presence in fights and continue wreaking havoc on the enemy team.
  4. Last Stand: Increases damage output when the Butcher is at low health, incentivizing aggressive plays and making him a formidable threat even when on the brink of defeat.

Item Build Recommendations:

  1. Blade of the Desert Sands: Provides attack damage and life steal, allowing the Butcher to sustain himself in extended engagements and skirmishes.
  2. Sandstorm Pauldrons: Grant's armor penetration and cooldown reduction, enhancing the Butcher's ability to shred through enemy defenses and spam his abilities in combat.
  3. Desolation Gauntlets: Offers bonus health and attack damage, further bolstering the Butcher's durability and damage output in fights.
  4. Shifting Sands Greaves: Increases movement speed and provides crowd control reduction, allowing the Butcher to stick to his targets and maneuver around the battlefield with ease.

Early, Mid, and Late Game Strategies:

  • Early Game: Focus on farming minions and trading blows with your laning opponent. Utilize Sandstorm Slash to harass enemies and secure last hits on minions. Coordinate with your jungler to secure kills or objectives when opportunities arise.
  • Mid Game: Look for opportunities to roam and participate in skirmishes around the map. Use Desolate Charge to initiate fights or catch out-of-position enemies. Prioritize objectives such as towers and dragons to gain a strategic advantage for your team.
  • Late Game: Position yourself as a frontline bruiser in team fights, soaking up damage and disrupting enemy carries. Coordinate with your team to secure objectives and push for victory. Use Sandstorm Surge to engage or disengage from fights and turn the tide of battle in your favor.

The Desert Butcher is a relentless warrior capable of dominating the battlefield with his unmatched strength and resilience. With the right combination of skills, runes, and items, he can become an unstoppable force capable of turning the tide of any battle in his favor. Mastering his abilities and understanding his strengths and weaknesses will be the key to unleashing his full potential on the battlefield.

Matchup Against Sion and Ornn:

When facing Sion or Ornn in the lane as the Desert Butcher, your primary focus should be on trading efficiently and avoiding extended engagements that play to their strengths. Both Sion and Ornn are tanky champions with crowd-control abilities, so it's crucial to maintain proper positioning and capitalize on their weaknesses.

Against Sion:

  • Sion's main strengths lie in his durability and crowd control abilities, particularly his knock-up and stun.
  • To counter Sion's engage potential, focus on dodging his Decimating Smash (Q) and interrupting his Unstoppable Onslaught (R) with your Desolate Charge (E).
  • Harass Sion with Sandstorm Slash (Q) whenever he goes for last hits, and look for opportunities to engage when his abilities are on cooldown.
  • Coordinate with your jungler to gank Sion when he overextends, as he lacks reliable escape tools.

Against Ornn:

  • Ornn is known for his tankiness, sustained damage, and crowd control abilities, making him a challenging opponent in the lane.
  • Avoid prolonged trades with Ornn, as his Brittle debuff and Bellows Breath (W) can quickly turn the tide of battle in his favor.
  • Use Searing Brand (W) to shred through Ornn's armor and maximize your damage output in short bursts.
  • Keep track of Ornn's Call of the Forge God (R) cooldown and be prepared to dodge or mitigate its impact with Sandstorm Surge (R).
  • Look for opportunities to roam and assist your team in skirmishes, as Ornn's lack of mobility makes him vulnerable to being outnumbered.

Why Desert Butcher is Beginner-Friendly:

The Desert Butcher is an excellent choice for beginners due to its straightforward gameplay mechanics and forgiving play style. Here's why he's well-suited for novice players:

  1. Simple Kit: The Butcher's abilities are easy to understand and use effectively, making him accessible to players of all skill levels.
  2. Tanky and Durable: With his innate sustain and durability, the Butcher can withstand punishment in the lane and contribute to team fights without being too reliant on perfect positioning.
  3. Versatile Playstyle: The Butcher can adapt to different situations, whether it's split pushing, team fighting, or picking off isolated enemies.
  4. Impactful Ult: His Sandstorm Surge (R) ultimate ability can turn the tide of team fights and secure objectives, allowing beginners to make a significant impact on the game.

Analyzing Strengths and Weaknesses:


  • High sustain and durability in fights, allowing for prolonged engagements.
  • Strong dueling potential against squishy targets and bruisers.
  • Decent wave clear with Sandstorm Slash (Q) for efficient farming.


  • Vulnerable to kiting and crowd control effects, especially when caught out of position.
  • Relies on proper engagement timing and target selection to maximize effectiveness.
  • Limited mobility compared to other champions, making him susceptible to ganks and flanks.

Tips for Effective Gameplay:

  1. Engage Wisely: Choose your battles carefully and engage when you have a favorable advantage, such as a level or item lead.
  2. Manage Resources: Keep track of your mana and cooldowns to avoid overextending or running out of resources during fights.
  3. Team Communication: Coordinate with your team to set up plays and capitalize on enemy mistakes.
  4. Objective Focus: Prioritize objectives such as towers, dragons, and Rift Herald to gain a strategic advantage for your team.


As the Desert Butcher, mastering the basics of engagement, positioning, and resource management will be key to success on the battlefield. With practice and perseverance, you can harness the Butcher's strength and lead your team to victory in the harsh deserts of the Summoner's Rift. For some players, to further enhance the game experience, choosing a safe and reliable supplier of buy league of Legends accounts will also be one of their choices.

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