by on June 9, 2022

As of the Animal Crossing New Horizons games hitting shelves in 2020, the Animal Crossing series has been updated with 5 central games. In chronological order, they are Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing: Wild World, Animal Crossing: City Folk, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, and Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The only thing that hasn't changed at the center of these few games is that Animal Crossing New Horizons bells in Animal Crossing Money. How to make a lot of bells - ACNH and the fastest way to get bells - ACNH is a hidden clue throughout the game. To get an animal crossing bell voucher can Buy Bells Animal Crossing from the professional ACNH Shop. This behavior is legal, and the purchase of ACNH items does not affect the use effect.


Animal Crossing New Leaf's release time takes precedence over Animal Crossing New Horizons. By comparison, the New Leaf system is likely to be smaller than New Horizons' system. But as a complete product, the game still outperforms its sequel. And the new leaf is released as a full package. Players familiar with New Horizons games know that New Horizons releases are constantly updated. This period lasted a long time, almost 2 years. New Leaf's game center is simple, getting villagers, unlocking and upgrading parts of the main street, and visiting friends. One of the great things about visiting friends at New Horizons is the use of Nook Miles Tickets. Nook Miles Tickets are also known as NMT. Regarding Tickets, people often ask what are nook mile tickets, how to get a nook miles ticket, can you buy nook miles with bells, how much a nook miles ticket sells for, and so on.

read more: Will there be a 2.0.6 update for ACNH 2nd Anniversary?

Seasoned players will tell you that nook mile tickets can be purchased from and can be redeemed with nook miles, but not paid for by AC Bells. New Horizons gradually improves the function in the misconduct upgrade. In the last update, New Horizons updated the Happy Homeland DLC. This is a paid feature. New Leaf is complete and complete without any payment issues.


Another reason for New Horizon's success with New Leaf is environmental concerns. New Horizons benefited from being there during the pandemic. There's so much hype surrounding this game because of its ability to transport players into a world that's easier and sweeter than the world they live in. Bored players need this game to kill time. Despite its problems, Animal Crossing New Horizons is still a successful and beloved game. It's a new addition to the series. Especially after the ACNH 2.0 update, 9000+ AC items are displayed in the ACNH store. This is very necessary for players. Enhance the visual experience of the game, shop at Nook's Cranny, ABLE Sister, Nook Shopping, Buy Animal Crossing Bells For Sale, buy new items 2.0, buy all wallpaper, buy all flooring, buy DIY recipes, and more. There is always one that attracts you. Animal Crossing New Horizons is a success.

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