by on November 19, 2021

Well, I want to do well in Barbarian Assault, but whips aren't able to perform aggresive, so I will never be able to get a spot. Therefore, I'm looking to get a Dragon Scimitar and do Money Madness. Below are my combat-related stats. Summoning is not included because it's 12. What armour/inventory would you recommend when Cave Running and Ranging the Jungle Demon?


You should have 15 lobs to run Cave-running. You may also use Energy Restores if you wish however they aren't necessary. Just keep your weight to a minimum, negative is fine, and a full prayer for the Skeletons, and you'll be fine.


To locate the Demon, just take the normal range equipment, 5 food items one prayer pot, and a teleport just in case. Get full Prayer points and turn on Mage Protect before you teleport. Stand at a distance, and then range him using Steel or Mith Arrows. When the Demon is dead or dying, spec him and boom! Quest Complete. You don't need to worry too about it. It's long and frustrating at times, but it's easy. The Demon is over rated too.


Vedave is my name and I've been playing this char ever since the beginning of January. I am level 5, however I haven't yet been learned to fight. It is possible to be referred to as a skilled player. I originally wanted to get to 99 in firemaking and finish with an acceptable level of WC. At present, I'm 88 in firemaking and78 cutting wood. 


My WC level could be higher if the training in FM was done properly. To be honest, firemkaing isn't as simple as it seemed - it's fairly fast yes - but it requires an intense concentration and perseverance especially when you think about how it's near impossible to communicate to anyone during training.

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