by on November 4, 2021

I also recommend doing the 'Animal Magnetism' quest, you get an item that is a backpack which collects steel arrows once you're at 50 yards. Even though you could complete it, wait until you reach 50 to finish the quest. It's not a big issue, since you already have iron bows. The backpack only collects the arrows as you move.


This is my very first post to this forum, as you might have noticed. I've been playing Runescape for a while now. It has provided me with an chance to experience the thrill of exploring the wild, swindling novices and purchasing bronze swords for 3000.


However nowadays, as im sure many of you know the runescape game has completely changed and has become very limited. This is referring to the changes to the Wilderness/Bunty Hunter, as well as the 2nd of January Unbalanced Trade changes.


I could talk about how it hurts and all the things that are not possible for me to accomplish. However, what is the most effective way to deal with it? Please let me know if think that a "pay-to-pk" or "world66 riot" is the solution. If you think that the soloution is to just accept it all and let it work it self out then thats what ill do.


What I really want is another great idea that hasn't been tested. Have any ideas, suggestions. I would like to know what else I can test before I end runningescape. I hope you guys can provide me with some excellent ideas. I look forward to posting in the near future. Okay, I looked up the bonuses of Bless Dragon's hide Coifs and Robin Hood's hat and here they are. (Taken directly from Wikipedia.

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Topics: runescape
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