by on October 26, 2021

After Animal Crossing is upgraded to 2.0, players will find that there are many useful functions. The Happy House Paradise DLC can help transform your villagers' houses. Such as the habitat and peninsula store and the entire expansion pass that we didn't see. One of the many features released as part of the paid DLC is designing villagers' holiday houses.

Players can transform their houses on the island. the biggest reason is that players can unlock new houses on their main island. This function is very convenient for players. First, the player prepares bells from the ACBellsBuy website. Secondly, players choose Buy Animal Crossing Bells to buy favorite decorations. The ability to unlock the main island of the player is very cool. Players can learn how to unlock the mechanic's work and personally join all the projects included in the house renovation.

Happy Home Paradise also introduces many features. Including new ceiling decorations, which now allow us to hang objects from these ceilings. We also have new building blocks that can completely change the layout of the room, such as walls and pillars. These can be decorated.

In addition, players can also customize the technology. That is, the appearance of the house can be adjusted according to the design you choose. Basically, the more you design, the more these abilities and technologies you unlock. When encountering new technologies, players can also use Buy Animal Crossing Gold to unlock new features. You will always have a house to build, and villagers will always show up on the beach looking for a pleasant holiday.

Now, the technical walls, counters, and soundscapes we know are all available.  We can all add our favorite items to the house decoration. Buildings that can be redesigned are made up of tiny details. In Direct, we can rearrange and arrange all the items provided by the game. Finally, we got our unique housing construction.

Posted in: Entertainment
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