by on October 21, 2021

There are ten cards that gamers could use in their team, and they are only ten of the 32 available. However, offensive linemen have not were included on this list. These cards were evaluated in light of their impact overall as well as the value of the coins. Below are the top 10 Ghosts of Madden cards that are ranked from the bottom to top.


With high-intensity play, fake and a maxed-out sprinter Daniel Jones performs like a hall of famer during games. But, Danny Dimes is expensive relative to other premium options. With 90+ speed figures, he will be able to climb out of his pocket and take first downs using his legs. 


The cards carrying and on-the ball statistics are abysmal, so players must be cautious taking care not to hit him. As a passer Daniel Jones has all of the necessary stats from the 90s or higher. This is a great card and especially so for players who have an Giants theme team.


The Samoan Field general was a true legend of the sport. He played for thirteen seasons. The card shows the warrior Seau was when on the field. Seau is considered to be the top linebacker in the game, having 90 speeds and 91 speed.


Mahomes' Ghosts of Madden card is one of the top quarterbacks of the game. Players will be able hit every throw, thanks to a new release and gunslinger. This card has a speed of 84 and has incredible accuracy on the move. Gamers are sure to be impressed with this card.

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