by on October 7, 2021

Sidelines can look ridiculous, featuring oddly-shaped people wearing football pads, performing the same animations over and again. The crowd has the same habit of acting similar to one another. It could be interesting to watch them move around the stadium more so that they can at least generate some movement.


It's beyond time to make the video game version of the Super Bowl better than it is. The announcers set the scene by mentioning the importance of it is to play the juggernaut match during the pregame. But the actual game rarely appears to be the actual Super Bowl. It's more like an exhibition game, with poor execution and aesthetics that leave a lot to be desired.


One of the more intriguing features added to the Madden games over the last few years is the story mode, Face of the Franchise. Although the game has presented some fascinating ideas through the years, it is still attempting to achieve the full potential of this game.


The most recent version has added the capability for players to create their own characters and play at both college and high school levels. The game could be even better by allowing players to play full seasons at lower levels prior to changing to Franchise mode that is basically similar to Franchise mode, but with more story.


Some time ago the Franchise Mode's engine for scenario was introduced to players. It was not a huge hit with the fans. Many felt like it was nothing more than "boosts" disguised as key choices that can impact a player's career. If properly implemented, scenarios that players will have to consider is an amazing feature. Instead of rewarding players with stats perks, let them know that their choices could affect the outcome of the season. As an example, how players handle an upcoming workload, or perhaps an injury to stay healthy.

If you want to know more about Madden 22, you can go to

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Topics: madden22
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