by on October 4, 2021

Taverley is, in a way was a pleasant place because it was tranquil. It was like an area where druids could gather. Burthorpe was able to have a reason to fight for the region, which provided them with a reason to fight. They clearly demonstrated the differences between the towns, and the change in speed by displaying their forests.


While I wasn't planning to talk about the agility shortcuts this manner, I do see why it sounds this way. Artificial blocks appeared absurd I was talking about them. The only thing that differentiates grass from sand are the fences that stretch across the desert. 


It's ridiculous, it's stupid, and our players can easily scale it with only the slightest shake of their tails. It's more sensible to tie the agility shortcuts with specific actions, instead of specific locations.


The boundaries would be simpler to comprehend when they weren't linked to specific locations rather tied to particular actions. Level 50, learn how to ascend all cliffs, or level 80, learn how to climb ice with some pickaxes.


Yes, I do not like what they've done with Taverly & Burthorpe. It's difficult to discern what they are today. It's overcrowded and lacks any sense of settled. While I'd love to see a plaza that has certain items, like the Burthorpe market or an church, or even a cathedral, if it was an urban area, We require greater space between Taverly and Burthorpe.

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