Jane Paella
by on September 8, 2021

This article will explain the reasons why you should be able to be able to win favour, and how you can get it the fastest and provides alternatives for Ironmen. With a little focus and determination, you can earn 100% favour in just 30 minutes applying the strategy I've demonstrated.
These are the steps that I've come up with to earn 100% favor for every house. Piscarilius is the most insignificant and slowest house to earn favor (IMO) Therefore, it is recommended that you make use of the Client Of Kourend favor scroll right from the beginning to boost the value of Piscarilius.
Step 1) Complete the Client of Kourend This quest serves as an example of a number of other quests in Kourend and will prove useful to get squared aware first. Completion grants a scroll that will grant 20 percent favor to any home - I would recommend applying for Piscarilius

Note: If you do not apply the favors of Piscarilius, you will need to fix the cranes on docks until at least 20% favor is available to complete the Queen of Thieves. Crane repair involves lots of nails and planks. It is also very slow as it awards only 0.5 percent favor for each crane and each crane repair can take a couple minutes for a single repair. Repairing the crane needs at least 30 crafting.

Step 2: Complete the Queen of Thieves. This will give an additional 10% of Piscarilius favor and will allow you to begin Kharedst's memoirs. Also, it grants access to the warrens (shops in the sewers below Piscarilius.

Step 3.) Hunt Sandworms Hunting Sandworms Tynan (located in the Northeast section of Piscarilus) will take the player from 30 percent to 100% in a short time. Tynan sells buckets for collecting the sandworms. You'll need a spade. Instead of clicking "use" do not take the sandworms from the bucket. Instead, click "use" to make use of Tynan's buckets of worms as favor. Continue brining Tynan sandworms until you've got 100% trust.

Step 4.) Push Plows into Hosidius - Plowing fields will bring you enough respect to earn up an additional five percent. Bring the hammer needed to repair damaged plowing equipment.

Step 5 - Harvest Saltpetre. Once you have received 5percent favor and have crossed a bridge to access the west end of the fields. There you will find many salt petre-filled piles around a central structure that houses an NPC called the Clerk. You will then be able to collect salt petre, and deposit it at the box next to the Clerk for around 850 units. After that, head to Hosidius's town square to purchase enough compost to mix with saltpetre. After combining all the salt petre and compost make sure you talk to the clerk. She will take units out of your bank too and award favors, so you don't need to make laps. Now you've earned enough favor to finish the Hosi quest Depths of Despair


Step 6 - Finish the Depths Of Despair - Talk to Lord Kandur Hosidius at his home (northwest from the Vineyards). This quest requires 18 agility. You'll earn 10% reward after you've completed the quest.

Step 7 - Treat Shayzien Soldiers. Visit the Shayzien infirmary and treat wounded soldiers with med packs. There's also a stock tent outside the tent, where you can buy med packs. Each pack grants 0.1 percent favor. Continue doing this until you've earned five percent favor.

Step 8) Kill Lizardmen - I recommend this step as its quicker than medpacking higher levels of favor and also gives you the chance to win Xeric's Talisman (a useful teleportation necklace that can be used to get to different locations in Kourend). The talisman is uncharged and is charged applying Lizardman Fangs to the talisman. You'll want food and antipoison potions when you fight Lizardmen.

Step 9: Complete the Tale of the Righteous. To start the quest, you must speak with Phileas Rimor in his tent near the bank (northend of Shayzien).

Step 10 - Combat Shayzien Soldiers. Although some suggest fighting organized criminals, it is extremely lengthy. I think combating soldiers (Tier 1-5) in the middle circle of camp is the quickest and most efficient way to do it. Achieving tier 5 armor is helpful if you intend to take on Lizardman Shamans down the road as it offers unique protection against their splash attack. You can fight at different tiers until you qualify for the next level. I repeated the fights until I got 100% support.

Step 11: Help Find Books in the Arceuus Library. - Search for books that are related to Sam Professor Grcklebone or Villia. As a reward for these books, they'll send you magic or runecraft XP increasing books. Take a look and decide if you'd like to apply towards the magic or runecraft. There is also an NPC called Horphis who is searching for dark manuscripts. Alongside the return of books, finding a manuscript for Horphis will yield further opportunities to boost your magic or runecrafting XP. Books grant 2.5 percent favor. Dark Manuscripts grant 5.5%. The Runelite makes finding books much more simple! I would suggest getting the most books you can in one sitting to maximize the chances of submitting more than one book at a time.

Step 12) Complete The Ascent of Arceuus - This quest can be completed in the vicinity of Regath's Wares towards the southeast of Arceuss Library. Talk to Mori to start the quest.

Step 13) Mine Sulphur in Lovekengj - Mining sulphur provides 0.1% favor. The toxic clouds can cause significant damage quickly. Wearing a gas mask, face mask or slayer headgear can help minimize the damage. The clouds are only able to be damaging to certain areas. To prevent being struck often, it is best to be on the south side of the pile. A few players also utilize the nearby spider to protect the southern-most pile. By positioning the spider to the west of a player it is possible to avoid any damage from clouds that pass by. You can mine sulphur up to 60%.

Step 14) Complete Forsaken Tower. You can talk to Lady Lovakengj at the Assembly Chambers (just to the west of on the south bank of Lovakengj). This quest will grant you 10 percent favor

Step 15) Give Mine Cart Instructions to Operators - Talk to Miriam, the mine cart operator from Lovakengj (just just outside of the southern bank) to get directions. To increase your favor from 75% to 100%, you need to give instructions to all the operators of Kourend.

When you have achieved 100% favor in all houses, you can speak with each architect to complete the Architectural Alliance miniquest.

Hope this helps, good luck!

Posted in: Family & Home
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