by on August 14, 2021

Shot Contests The Shot Contests NBA 2K20 launched a brand new shot contest system that relied on NBA 2K22 MT Coins different criteria than previous years. The previous shot contest system was an attacker-side system, and it was difficult for the defense to stop. The new contest system is based on the defender's proximity to the attacker.

This new method made perimeter defense more effective. It was very difficult to shoot perimeter shots. It was easier to balance offensive and defensive. Layups were eliminated with the shot contest system that was introduced.

Layups, one of the most efficient looks in basketball, become difficult to score due to the closeness criteria. This issue is easy to solve. 2K Sports could modify the finishing badges to improve the chances of achieving layups.

AI Teammates – The AI MyCareer Teammates are in Buy NBA 2K22 MT the moment apathetic. The AI doesn't seem to be able to play basketball. I'm not sure how many times I have tried to pass it to Cedi Osman an acrobatic corner shooter expecting a simple basket.

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