by on June 15, 2021

Requirements: You need to be able to RuneScape Mobile gold defeat a level 250 and level 200 creature. Speak with King Vargas and inquire if he has any jobs for you. Apparently the king had been working on some type of monster - and experimentation, of sorts - to work with as a castle guardian, because apparently there have been a lot of recent Troll strikes and his knights are barely able to conquer them. Inform him that it is possible to help him and he will tell you that General Willus is in control of the undertaking and can let you know what supplies you need to create the monster.

Talk to him and he will inform you that you'll need some Precious Metal, which can be dropped by Trolls about the island also is untradeable. Trolls are just around level 25 - 40 and fall the metal everytime. Get ten of them and then bring them back . Nowadays you need to smith the metals into a body for the animal. Now you have to produce legs from boards. Get 20 planks and use a hammer and some nails on them to make four legs. Bring these to Willus and today he wants you to make a tail. Get about 10 cowhides, tan them, and then put them together using a needle and string. Today Willus would like you to build the head.

Behind the castle is a ladder which leads underground. Go down it and you will find 3 paths. Take the path at the center and you'll find a big open space with a bunch of level 250 demons. Kill them and it will drop its mind. Use the head with some cloth (you want 10) and cover it with a needle and cord. Get a team from Zaff or another participant and use it with the mind to turn it into buy OSRS gold a head on a pole.

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