by on June 15, 2021

New Horizons removes some of the restrictions imposed by its predecessors by allowing players to place items outside for the first time. However, this was not enough for a player. They found a new and creative way to decorate the game, placing objects in the middle of the big table.

Normally, if you put an item on a 2x2 table in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it will be placed in a corner instead of the middle. The mechanics of the game also do not allow you to push items to the center, so for a round table, items are always hung on the edge.

The fault in question is not that complicated, the player only needs to walk down a flat, placed item from the ladder. Once they do, they can pass through the object. A player used a malfunction to place the mother's candle set in the middle of the 2x2 round table. Just don't tell Nintendo that this malfunction may continue for a while.

If you are looking for more items to decorate your island (or the center of the table), then a new set of seasonal items was recently launched in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. For the Dragon Boat Festival, players can buy festival zongzi from Nook Shopping.

 Summer shells have also begun to appear in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The blue shells washed up on the beach can be used to make many seasonal DIY recipes. Most players buy ACNH Items on ACBellsBuy.

Article from?https://www.acbellsbuy.com

Posted in: Entertainment
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