by on January 31, 2019

Just take the Griffon for Maplestory 2 Mesos instance, he starts raining hellfire death balls that one shots players who failed run from the AoE range or to mount him down. The looting and reward process is quite user friendly, even a newbie could make some free loot by hiding in a corner and hitting the monster.

Everybody gets their loot and the person that hits the monster will make swag compared to everyone else. I suppose there's no MVP system which rewards players to dealing the most damage or there are a great deal of gamers. Players may keep the boss When the boss has fallen down beat down making it bleed meso coins each hit. The leveling rate during the test was bad. 

Maple M Mesos had a great deal of quests that helped out a lot through my newbie adventures. Not having the ability to read Korean which well, I had difficulty with some of the quests so that I wound up skipping a few here and there. It'd be nice if they included a quest helper feature later on that guides players on where to select the map.

Thankfully, I managed to catch up on EXP readily by hunting world bosses. I wanted to try another class during the day of testing, so I chose to level up a personality. Upon hitting level 12, I decided to try something different this time around and that was leeching such as boss. I hunted for the world boss and labeled it once. After one hour's worth of leeching multiple planet supervisors, I had been high enough to job change.

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