by on January 24, 2019

1 major difference in the other versions is the presence of bots, apparently designed to assist new players get to grips with the game. As you level up, the ratio of real players to robots raises, and it's easy to tell the difference -- the robots are pretty dumb and don't put up much of a fight. This may be maplestory2 mesos disappointing to hear for anyone who plays the very first time and is astounded with their own latent skill level, but it's a smart way to ensure individuals have a fantastic experience when they first play Maple Story.


We've reached out to the teams in Maple Story Corp. and Tencent for remark, but the existence of robots at low levels is unconfirmed. What I can tell you is that after I hit level 10, the game changed dramatically.


Have a look at my scorecard from last night. With nine kills and a third-place position, I am a veritable killing machine.


Right after this game I booted up to rank 10, and after that position 11 where I'm at today. In my first few games now the best I could afford was kills and an A+ grade, and that is fine. However, what I observed from the other players in the last 40 was a completely different playstyle than that which I'd seen the go to this page night before.

Posted in: Personal & Dating
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