Candice Accola
by on January 23, 2019

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Both people work to maintain a relative proximity, or closeness. (emotional and physical)If both people are WILLING and EDUCATED, most two people can create a secure bond that can enormously reduce both the anxieties of living and anxiety disorders.Here are some key signs of emotionally manipulative relationships:

However, when emotional abuse or manipulation is present, your efforts to reduce anxiety or build a secure bond will only INCREASE anxiety, and although it will likely feel counterintuitive, you need to leave the relationship to reduce anxiety.Your partner wants to isolate you from friends and family.

Your partner belittles, humiliates you, and attacks your self worth, even "jokingly".Name calling, insults, and false accusations.Your partner relies inordinately on blame, towards you and others.Your partner instills fear, uneasiness or intimidation with words, actions or an explosive temper.Your partner "punishes" or retaliates for time you spend away from them.

These are signs that your partner is not able or willing to form a mutually supportive, fair connection with you. The tricky thing about manipulative relationships is that well meaning people tend to work harder to try to resolve or fix the situation. This is a good instinct unless the relationship is manipulative, in which case doing so will only increase your anxiety.

There is excessive or extreme jealousy.Your partner manipulates your emotions in an attempt to induce guilt.Your partner checks your phone or social media accounts without permission.Dr. Her deep understanding of how attachment relationships shape your feelings about yourself, the world, and your beliefs about relationships can help you succeed in intimate relationships.

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Posted in: Personal & Dating
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