Candice Accola
by on January 22, 2019

made me feel better in the short term, but it was making me feel worse overall and totally buy osrs gold destroying my job/relationships, etc. If you have been abusing alcohol for a while I would suggest medical assistance in withdrawing so that you can withdraw safely, or to try and taper your drinking down. You also need to try and have something in place of the drink to help you with the problems you experience in your life.

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Stop using the term "strawman", you evidently have no idea what it means.If you actually can tell the implication behind your own post then you either terribly dishonest and rapidly backpedaling or you just straight up autistic. You claim that katanas and women don belong in ww2 and ruin your immersion,

me I needed some medication to help with my depression and counselling to help me make sense of the things that happened. While you trying to stop if you have a friend or someone you trust that can stay with you that is a massive help. I found writing to myself and being able to read why I needed to stop when I was tempted was helpful. Definitely ask your doctor for help as you do not need to do this alone.

Ahh it was the worst. This was on the border of when I was young enough to drink wake up have a bit of toast and be fine, and when I got a bit older and hangovers became two day down hill slogs.Be kind to yourself and be brave enough to make the first step. If you need help when you low feel free to send me a message if you just want to vent or talk to someone.

and my point is that katanas and women shouldnt deter you from an "immersive experience" because battlefield has literally never in its existence been even remotely close to believable. Taking a bullet to the head and casually regenerating after a couple of seconds or jumping out of a plane to 360 someone with your rifle and then jump back in is just as if not infinitely more fucking immersion breaking than a female walking past you for a split second in game,

and the fact that you actually trying to sell this idea that the evil asian women and prosthetic limbs are coming to corrupt your game is genuinely fucking pathetic lmaoIf you unwilling to admit that battlefield is just as brain dead and arcadey as call of duty just on a larger scale, then you literally might as well not even respond homie. Sorry, but don try to tell me battlefield was ever even remotely fucking authentic, that shit is laughable.

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