by on January 22, 2019

Picking your first character is important, but not as big a deal as in additional Diablo-style games. Path of Exile provides an unusually high number of character slots, which means it is possible to play and switch between all seven types should you so choose. Also, the time-limited character of big place to buy poe currency leagues (which we will describe below) and the odds that you may unwittingly create a faulty character build the first time you play all imply that you'll probably be creating new characters before too long anyway.


Adhere to a character construct, but don't sweat it if you are creating your own way


Many gamers prefer to create their very own unique character construct the first time they play, experimentation with different passive skills. But if you do so, keep in mind that full-character respecs are not an option in Path of Exile. You'll earn a restricted number of respec points through natural progression and grinding, but not so many that rapidly transforming one build to the next is a feasible choice.


Thus, my advice would be to adhere to a well-regarded build created by seasoned players. This may focus  poe buy currency your character development and make certain you have an endgame viable personality once the time comes. Below are a few quick beginner-friendly build recommendations (current as of launching).

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