by on January 18, 2019

We’ve known about Jagex’s planned mining and smithing reworks for a while now, but the developers shed some light on what those changes will cover during RuneFest 2016. Effectively, they want to runescape mobile gold make the mining and smithing skills a viable means of income in the game by reducing the skill level for Dragon and Rune items significantly.


Jagex also want to bring the mining skill in line with the defence skill, so Runite ore would only require your skill to be level 50 rather than 85. Masterworks will also be introduced to smithing, which will allow the player to create more unique and buffed versions of the standard weapons. Similar to mining, smithing skill levels will also be reduced.


Finally, after 15 years Runescape is getting a dynamic weather system. That doesn’t just mean that it will occasionally get a bit rainy or sometimes the you’ll see snow on rooftops. Nope, according to Jagex, dynamic means thunderstorms that move around the map with columns of lightning that can be harnessed by mages.


It also means sandstorms in the Kharidian Desert that might unearth tombs and zombies, cooling lava flows that could create pathways to new places, and monsoons that could create an oasis in an otherwise barren wasteland. Of course all of this is concept level, but Runescape has come along way since the sprite-based MMORPG it was born as.


According to Jagex, solo bosses are one of the most popular content requests from Runescape players. And so in 2017, they’ll be releasing a new one, called The Ambassador. Only a single concept image has been released for the Cthulhu-esque sea creature, which looks suitably terrifying.


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