Candice Accola
by on January 4, 2019

Terrence and Robin say they were never the kind of parents who parked their children in front of the TV runescape 2007 gold or relied on computer games and electronic gadgets to keep them occupied. Terrence, a pragmatic government employee, and Robin, an artistic owner of a small business, made it a priority to spend uninterrupted time with their two boys. They read books with Byrne and his brother, who is three years older, every day.

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The couple revisited their memories of Byrne's childhood on a recent November evening, sitting together at their dining room table in the 1920s era house where Byrne and his older brother grew up, nestled behind a row of tall pines on a quiet, small town street. They both spoke thoughtfully, often completing each other's sentences. They asked that their family be identified using middle names to protect their privacy.

The first signs of Byrne's anxious and obsessive behavior surfaced at 4, when he would agonize over which book to read at bedtime: "It had to be the just rightbook," Robin recalled. In first grade, he excitedly brought his class roster home and called his classmates over and over to set up play dates, with such persistence that the families on the other end of the line rarely obliged.

Byrne had trouble making friends, partly because of his obsessive behavior, partly because of his strong personal convictions. In fourth grade, when Byrne heard a couple of classmates complain that the school's celebration of Black History Month was unnecessary, he launched into a passionate and eloquent rebuke. His teachers were impressed; his peers shunned him even more.

It was around that time when a relative gave Byrne and his brother an Xbox. Gaming was deemed a privilege Byrne would lose if he misbehaved. But that structure soon proved hard to implement."He was relentless about asking when he could play it was a continuous negotiation," Robin said. The routine grew exhausting, she added, and sometimes she and Terrence caved in to Byrne's demands. "The games were his refuge."

The pattern worsened after Byrne entered middle school."In seventh grade the downward spiral began, after having maintained High Honor Roll for one quarter, I was given a laptop. This is when my addiction to screens began."Byrne wrote these words years later as part of a reflective essay assignment while he was away at the wilderness therapy program.

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