Divorce Family Law Attorneys
by on December 21, 2018

After divorce fathers usually end up with the shorter end of the stick where quality time is concerned. Child custody rights of fathers in Orange County are clear on this. These presuppose that frequent and ongoing time with both parents should not be compromised. This is why co-parenting is recommended.

1. What is co-parenting?

Co-parenting is a parenting relationship where separated parents jointly take up responsibilities of upbringing of children. Proper co-parenting helps children deal with social and emotional effects of the separation. It cannot eliminate all effects, but it helps to reduce emotional damage.

2. Benefits of proper co-parenting

Research indicates that children who grow up with good co-parents grow up just as well as those in traditional family settings. Several benefits have been observed as a result of apt co-parenting.

  • Enhanced Stability: Children thrive on consistency. Regularity in schedules and communication from both parents makes them feel safe and stable.
  • Development of solid relationships: Proper co-parenting enables children develop strong and stable relationships with both parents. This is essential for the overall well-being of the child.
  • Conflict Resolution: Children learn that disagreements are normal. They observe respectful disagreements followed by cordial agreements. This is a key skill useful even in adulthood.
  • Limited Splitting: Good co-parenting ensures that children enjoy a sense of closeness to both parents. Poor co-parenting often results in split loyalties.

3. Co-parenting Plans

Key to effective co-parenting is a co-parenting plan. This is a document which the two use to set out rules and expectations in raising the children. It may be formalized by a family court, or be a simple informal document. It strives to maintain family rules that should be retained even though they do not all live together any more. It covers fundamental issues such as religion, financial contributions and education. It may also cover lighter issues such as bed and play times. Violation of vital elements of a co-parenting plan, such as child abduction, may form grounds for a restraining order. Orange County restraining order attorneys strongly recommend co-parenting agreements as these provide strong legal backing in times of disagreement.

4. Common Mistakes in co-parenting

Even parents with the best intentions may fall prey to some mistakes. Co-parents are advised not to:

  1. Use the child as a messenger. Co-parents who fail to communicate directly tend to send the child to deliver messages to and from each other.
  2. Make negative comments about the other parent. This is common soon after the separation when emotions are high.
  3. Include children in financial discussions. Child custody rights of fathers in Orange County come with child support obligations.  Children need not know the details of such obligations.
  4. Rush for restraining orders after disagreements. Orange County restraining order attorneys prefer to take up matters after informal conflict resolution has failed.


Co-parenting is a joint effort towards a stable environment for children. Therefore, co-parents should always bear in mind that they are a team which must present a united image, regardless of other problems.

Posted in: Law
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