by on December 19, 2018

Like every battle royale game Blackout starts with everyone jumping out of an aircraft and racing to land as soon as possible to Fortnite Items grab loot. Call of Duty’s take, however, throws a wingsuit into the mix giving you greater control in the air before you pop your chute.


It means that where people initially drop is a lot more widespread and less constrained to the flight path of the chopper everyone hurls themselves from. It also means you can nosedive into a plummet that will get you to the ground incredibly fast and make your chute open lower so you can touch down faster. It’s far more flexible than Fortnite in terms of your control over where you land and how fast.


While the Blackout map is huge by Call of Duty standards it might be a touch smaller than Fornite’s island. It’s impossible to make a direct comparison but the fact is, you are almost certainly going to be landing with other people around you. There’s also far less in the way of smaller, out of the way places to land. If you want gear you’ll need to hit a named location, and with other people.


It doesn’t have to be game over straight away though as the best gear drops are in buildings meaning everyone’s rushing inside, immediately reducing the opportunity to attack - find an empty building and you’ll have some time to grab gear, get prepared, and maybe run away after if the place looks too hot. 


In Fortnite windows are good for a view outside and maybe some sniping if people stay in sight, but that’s about it. In Blackout not only do they have a far wider field of view - meaning you can engage people meaningfully at close to medium range - they’re also great for getting in and out of buildings quickly.


Okay, it’ll make a lot of noise if you do it so it’s a risk for you and great way of knowing it anyone else is around, but once you get used to it, it’s a great way of getting out of danger fast. It’s also possible to breach a window, scoop up a room full of loot, and jump out the otherside before anyone even realises what’s happened. 


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