Candice Accola
by on December 18, 2018

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UvealGodI don need sex; MTX fucks me every day SmileMTX doesn have to meet your or anyone else criteria for it to be considered MTX. MTX is anything that gives players the option to pay with IRL cash to stimulate any game. Even games like Fortnite that offers cosmetics are upfront with players and portray it as MTX. It all MTX.

How MTX is implemented does not matter, it is still the same to companies. At the end of the day, they get money from players, that all that matters. Businesses are businesses and that what they do best, especially greedy ones like EA. OS has MTX, no matter how people slice it.UvealGodI don need sex; MTX fucks me every day Smile

I understand you have a fascination with RS and you have nothing better to do with your time but to obtain useless trophies. Honestly, I happy for you, because I wish I was like you, I could never be entertained by a useless feature that adds nothing to the core of the game. As you said, you ran out of things to do, so my opinion that players with addiction are the only ones who go for achievements is a solid one.

I just bought this without thinking (Black). not sure if I should cancel or not. I have a 1060 6gb 4670k. I been waiting for a gtx 1080 sale to come out again again. The kicker is I have a 1440p 144hz gsync monitor. Is the 1070ti too weak for this monitor? Is my CPU too much of a bottleneck (though I know higher resolutions usually puts the bottleneck at the gpu). I don plan on buying a new CPU anytime soon either. I have the Rift also.

I predict a rise for about 2 months and then everything will be back. Its just a client, the game has to attract people too, and I just don see RS3 attracting new players with the way things are going.

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