by on November 29, 2018

I understand Nexon doesn't deal with botters very nicely, and that's another issue entirely, Maplestory 2 Mesos that I had an idea on how to possibly limit their production. 99% of all botters I see have titles using a random series of figures and characters. Could not you employ a text filter whenever someone attempts to make a character and block the personality based on that to recognize random strings?

And for the bot spammers that stand in FM1 and spam advertisements for illegal trading sites, couldn't a text filter be made to recognize the words they use, check if it has been replicated several times, and then automatically ban them? I've been playing MS2 mesos for approximately 8 years now and I wish I could help out the community more by being able to simply ban obvious botters with a couple clicks, because I run across them so often. It's frustrating.

This number includes various Procedures of payment transformed to maplestory2 mesos.I returned to this match to the end of last August, with the sole goal of trying to reach 2mil range, without dipping into my pockets, of course. This was an accomplishment worth some thing because of fairly obvious it's that 99 have spent a significant amount of cash to'attain' it.

Eight months later, after having accrued around 300bil worth of mesos without selling one item from leech (this amount includes various procedures of payment converted to maplestory2 mesos with the standard prices in the market ), I've finally accomplished my objective. I am currently a 212 Night Lord at Renegades that can solo Tough Magnus the three legged Abyss bosses, and Hell Gollux.

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