by on November 17, 2018

I personnally know 1 man in-Maple 2 Mesos who has this idea but since I couldn't take picture, I could not take screenshot and report himespecially if he mentionned the vendor IGN. I had a very long discussion with this guy to state these illegal trades are REALLY bad, but he doesnt seem to care and he said to cover these players is okay, especially if they use the match AS job.

I was like WOAHHH!!!! Game doesnt equal job X.X Unbelievable how I can ramdomly fulfill many sorts of unhealthy people without knowing. Good thing I don't combine well known guilds and much more, that I dont choose too many cappion gamers in friend list. Because I can now take screenshot, I can now report certain of them who violate ToS.

I play this game long enough to know this issue is actual... particularly due to the reasons this sport is becoming pay2win and again, it isn't only Nexon fault, but also an amount of players that are unhealthy. C'mon this is a match. And it isn't tough to admire ToS. I know certain people may use the lack of time as excuse.

We can think of ways to decrease pay2win and encourage RPG aspect, especially bring RPG facet in gamers mindset. You know, we can ALL change how we're enjoying the game and also for GOOD!!! We can list some ideas to reduce pay2win facets in lots of ways.

It may be by adjusting damage cap to make more balance but also setting the minimal damage cap for fast hitters for a exact same amount of funding as several other classes. You can men suggest what damage caps we should use. Or mainly the minimum cap harm for fast hitters AND max damage cap, used for quite slow courses, quite good 1v1 damage trader and that are built as a PURE bossing character with a huge absence of advantage besides damage outputs.

More product of games at Mmogo!If you want to buy,welcome to !

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