by on October 13, 2018

Maple 2 Mesos is possible to pre-register now by clicking on the button below. As more individuals around the planet pre-register, the rewards increase, so go tell your friends! If you've already downloaded the game, let's hear your first impressions in the comments.

Its class process is not as diverse as that of the original sport yet, but Nexon said in a news release that MapleStory two will be quite customizable, from the outfits to even getting to construct your own house.

The sequel takes place in precisely the exact same game universe, the Maple World, and is a prequel to the original MapleStory. You'll definitely see familiar faces, though they might be somewhat different from what you remember.

Fans interested in trying MapleStory 2, that is coming to Windows PC, may sign up for its closed beta if they're situated in the Americas, Europe or Oceania. There is also a social media campaign that allows players to unlock exclusive loot (such as the beta and also for the complete release) by sharing particular pages on the site.

Mmogdp has the most game currency and items, the fastest delivery speed, welcome to!

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