by on October 12, 2018

But if you still haven’t tried it out, you can play Rocket League for free this weekend. The game is free to Rocket League Trading try on Steam through Monday. It's the perfect salve for when your World Cup team finally decides to give up the ghost.


Three years ago, a certain Rocket League was a little out of nowhere and made a strong impression on the players. With more than 45 million registered players and dozens of daily players, it makes quite sense to ask if a sequel is possible. The studio then addressed the subject and does not intend to Rocket League Keys make Rocket League 2 at the moment.


The question of a potential Rocket League 2 is a legitimate question. Many franchises take advantage of the excitement surrounding their new license to launch a sequel and given the huge success of the game, it makes enough sense to ask if a second installment is forthcoming.


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