by on September 19, 2018

Learn the'minute combat tower' structure, and map it to Fortnite items a muscle memory as quickly as possible. Four walls, a stairs in the middle, move up and replicate, to create a simple, effective, elevated fort which you can duck in and out of at will. Learn how to take care of construction as part of your weapon and equipment set - it is possible to build on the fly and climb stairs the instant their structure outline appears, so make them a lively portion of your game.

Getting sniped while out in the open? Throw walls down between you and your attacker, to buy yourself time since you run for cover. Don't worry about the Storm shrinking for the initial few rounds as it gives you plenty of time to get inside the Eye at first, and even if you do wind up in the Buy fortnite materials risk zone your health drains fairly slowly. As soon as you're into round 4 or 5 however it is fatal, so watch your health and try to not get trapped too far into it.

As you are pushed closer to the Fortnite Season middle of the map along with the player count decreases, take additional care to linger on the outskirts of this ring. You will find fewer angles you can be attacked out there, and you can lie low while your competitors wear each other down. With your back to the edge of the Storm you're not likely to get attacked from behind, so construct this placement into your strategies where possible.

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