by on September 14, 2018

Utilize the Port-a-Fort to Fortnite materials get a better strategic position, rather than to save you in the center of a fight unless you truly have to. Placing it in a good place at the later stages will provide you some solid protection and a good vantage point to pick off those remaining players. While quickly throwing it down in a fight will give you a structure that your opponent will immediately understand how to destroy, and will leave you stranded in the top if you are against a duo or team who understand how to play together. Adhere to normal building for fights, and Port-a-Forts for better strategic positions.

Just like the majority of shooters, highground is really important in the world of Fortnite. It provides you much better sightlines, makes enemies easier to spot and means that anyone that spots you will need to hit some good shots to bring you down. It is in fact something that you ought to Cheap fortnite items always be looking for, and that is even more true when you're looking for a good place to lay off your Port-a-Fort.

When there's a type of highground in the later circles, which will be if you want to be Fortnite more using the Port-a-Fort, your first task is to try and ascend it, and then once you have secured that higher ground, throw off your Port-a-Fort for a much larger vertical benefit. Sure, it gives away your location, so in the event that you prefer to avoid fights this may not be the best idea, but if you're confident in winning a gun fight that the highground Port-a-Fort will provide you a big advantage.

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