Participants were flocking to these locations to Fortnite items find out if there weren't any clues or hints regarding the fifth season of"Fortnite," that was released in July 2018. That is because each season of"Fortnite" is vastly different and it's kept top secret until its release date. There are new topics, new sites to explore, new character skins and you will find new weekly challenges.
This moment, Epic Games, which Fortnite Season publishes"Fortnite," chose to tease the brand new gaming universe by putting these attributes into the real world.It's a viral marketing strategy called another reality game or ARG. (Not to be confused with virtual reality, in which you are immersed in a computer-generated planet, or augmented reality, where computerized images are projected on top of real-world video.)
ARGs of notable franchises produce an immersive and enormous scavenger hunt for fortnite traps fans. Microsoft's"Halo" franchise had an ARG which sent jars of honey to players. These jars supplied clues that brought gamers to a website called"I love bees." The website sent gamers to search for clues across the nation to fix the site's puzzles. Once those were resolved, the website told the origin story of the game's antagonists contributing up to the game's release. This ARG reached almost 3 million gamers helped push sales for the game to $125 million on its initial day.
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