by on June 2, 2018

Returning  Maplestory Items player after a long hiatus

I hope this goes here. Ok so. . I had been an avid player once I was younger. You are going back perhaps 13 or so years today pre-Nexon. During time, I'd play for a amount of time, take a break, uninstall the game, download it after a while, and begin the cycle over again. The last time I had those lengthy play-throughs was three or four decades ago, and holy crap how everything has changed -- visually that's.

I have a few questions since I feel so out-of-the-loop here. What happened to the buy Maplestory Mesos most important four classes that were the warriors, magicians, thieves, and archers? In addition, I remember attempting to have a beginner character remain on that island.

Why is leveling so easy now? My highest level ever I recall was maybe from the 60's range (Thief I believe), which took months to finish after all the celebration and solo quests and the countless hours of grinding. How have I been able to reach level 107 in a two week period with little to no effort? Mind you I work and go to college full time. Never in my life would I've envisioned doing this.

What is up with the Free Market? Why is it absolutely empty? I am about the Reboot server if that helps. Is that just a server-wide thing, or is over the whole game? I recall my game lagging something awful trying to get into the channel one Free Market.A buddy of mine has suggested playing on a private server so I'd have the ability to play through a few of those old patch variations, but I enjoy the one more, albeit overwhelming sometimes.

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