by on February 21, 2018

In a column on Rocket League’s website today we got a acceptable attending at what we can apprehend in agreement of customization if the bold launches afterwards this year. We were accustomed a attending at three absolute cars advised afterwards Mario, Luigi and Samus Aran. The best allotment about these absolute cars is the actuality that all three of them will be advancing to the Nintendo Switch chargeless of charge. Players will still allegation to Rocket League Trading complete assertive in-game goals to get them but there will be no paywall alfresco of purchasing the game.

The colors of the car will aswell change depending on what aggregation you are representing. Associates of the Orange aggregation use the Mario and Samus cars apparent in the pictures while associates of the Blue aggregation will be able with Luigi’s car and a altered black Samus suit.

On top of the new cars, players on the Switch adaptation will accept Mario and Luigi toppers that will be able to acclimated on any of the cars in the bold that acquiesce customization. This agency you can still actualization off your Nintendo ability even if you opt to not use one of the new cars. The Samus car even actualization a “Wave Beam” rocket addition that is absolute to that car.


Posted in: Rocket League
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